Football Activities at the Company

Company activities

VinaTakeuchi has consistently placed a high priority on soccer and emphasizes its significance during each monthly sports and fitness plan implementation meeting. The objectives are to enhance well-being, foster a sense of camaraderie among employees, and alleviate tension outside of work hours.

Weekly football activities of the company

As a result, the football club adopted the appellation "VINAスポーツ" (literally translated as "VINA sport") for the duration of each week. Constantly present at the Club is a large and enthusiastic gathering of members and supporters. The Super Friday evening match was staged at the VOV football stadium at the customary time. Everyone has consistently had high expectations for the match since the start of the week.

For our teams to achieve success in football matches, every detail is considered, including uniform preparation, squad depth (captains devise detailed strategies for each match), logistical considerations (including drinking water, cameras, and protective equipment), and the support of fervent supporters. To determine the recipients of its annual awards at the conclusion of each month, Football Club "VINAスポーツ" consistently casts ballots for outstanding players and teams.

Prominent sports participants are bestowed with internal accolades by the company

All have designed captivating, lighthearted football matches with an abundance of appealing details; VinaTakechi's football movement, along with the software park, is perpetually the group's most prominent undertaking.

[Life may be likened to a game of football, where we require an obvious goal to strive toward]